This website was created in order to centralize all the information and instructions on how to implement clickTag tracking code in HTML5 banners.

Since this is an ongoing problem with multiple solution possibilities, the idea was to offer everyone who runs into problem making clickTag work in their HTML5 banners a place where all the latest solutions will be provided.

Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated to any company/marketing agency/ads service. This website is strictly for information purposes and was made because the author had problems finding good solutions on the problems discussed here.

Feel free to send us your suggestions.


What is ClickTag?

ClickTag is a tracking code used in banners in order to be able to track the number of clicks the banner gets. The ClickTag is supported by every major ad servers.

By using ClickTag tracking, the advertisers are able to determine the effectiveness of their campaigns.


How to add ClickTag function for click tracking in HTML5 banner?

If few years ago everybody was talking about how to implement ClickTag into Flash banners, today the situation is drastically changed.

Since Flash is no longer properly supported by most browsers, it is time to move forward with HTML5.

On the above links in the main menu you will find instructions on how to implement ClickTag function into HTML5 banners in order to be able to track clicks.